I Shouldn’t Be Alive – A Tale Of Determination
Jim Davidson’s adventure story of survival and resilience is a one-hour TV episode of “I Shouldn’t Be Alive”.
Jim’s survival story is now a stunning episode of the popular television show “I Shouldn’t Be Alive. It portrays Jim Davidson and Mike Price on Mount Rainier when a snowbridge suddenly collapsed and dropped them into a hidden crevasse deep inside the glacier. Sadly, Mike did not survive the fall. Jim had to find a way up the dangerous ice wall… alone. It’s a tale of determination against all odds and a lesson in how to overcome adversity when it seems there’s no way out
“I Shouldn’t Be Alive” Episode about Jim Davidson – “Killer Crevasse”
The gripping “I Shouldn’t Be Alive” episode about Jim Davidson’s resilient survival story is called “Killer Crevasse”. It premiered on TV on January 12, 2011 to rave reviews. The episode re-runs regularly on Animal Planet – please see your local listings to determine when the “Killer Crevasse” episode airs again in your area.
Behind the Scenes
Jim Davidson being interviewed for the TV show “I Shouldn’t Be Alive”
In the summer of 2010, Jim got an unexpected phone call asking if his survival tale could be made into a one-hour episode of the extremely popular show “I Shouldn’t Be Alive”. A film crew came to Colorado and filmed an intense interview with Jim Davidson.
Then an extensive reenactment of the Mount Rainier climb and accident was filmed on a glacier in Chile. The show is filmed and produced by the renowned Darlow Smithson Productions, the same company that made the excellent climbing film “Touching the Void”. They produce compelling stories about human endurance and emotional journeys.
“I Shouldn’t Be Alive” broadcasts on Animal Planet in the USA, and it also airs in the United Kingdom and Australia.